St. Edmond Catholic High School Choral Program
The St. Edmond Catholic High School choral program is comprised of two curricular choirs that meet during the school day, one co-curricular show choir, Gael Force, that meets before school, and an extra curricular Chamber Choir that rehearses after school. The curricular choirs include Gaelic Choir (ninth and tenth-grade mixed chorus) and Concert Choir (eleventh and twelfth-grade mixed chorus).
The program at St. Edmond teaches lifelong musical skill sets such as notational literacy, performance evaluation, and ensemble techniques. Students are encouraged to use these learned skills by participating in IHSMA solo and small ensemble contests, as well as youth festivals such as the Dorian Vocal Music Festival at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.
Many performance opportunities are provided throughout the school year. The music department at large is also involved with the theatre production, specifically the spring musical.